400 Church Street
Archbald, PA 18403
Tel 570-876-1800
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    News & Notices
    Apr 22

    Request for Qualifications – Borough Engineer

    Request for Qualifications
    Borough Engineer
    Borough of Archbald

    Archbald Borough is seeking proposals for the services of a Borough Engineer to provide professional engineering services for the Borough. Services will include review of subdivision and land development plan; design bid specifications and construction inspection services on storm water, paving, and sanitary sewer projects; surveying, preparation of special studies and reports; assist with required documentation, applications, and inspections related to permitting processes; present professional recommendations to the borough; and attendance at monthly meetings of Council and Planning Commission. Please submit a letter of interest and proposal services by mail to Archbald Borough, Attn: Robert Turlip, Borough Manager, 400 Church Street, Archbald, PA 18403 or by email to by May 13, 2020.

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